About Me

Hello! I'm Sudharsun Ravisankar, a full-time student pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering with a specialization in Business Systems at SRM University. I am passionate about front-end development and data analytics with machine learning and deep learning. With a focus on front-end development, I have expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Currently, my interests are in data analytics using machine learning and deep learning techniques. I enjoy extracting insights from complex datasets and have hands-on experience with tools like scikit-learn and TensorFlow. While my technical skills are my foundation, I am also fascinated by the industry's business aspects.

  • 2026
    B.Tech Computer Science w/ Business System at SRM IST.
  • 2022
    Velalar Vidyalayaa Senior Secondary School.
  • June 2023
    Internship at National University of Singapore.
  • November 2022 - June 2023
    Front-end developer at Codechef Community Club.


Web Development

HTML5, CSS3, JS(ES6), Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Flask, Streamlit, MySQL.

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Data Analytics

Excel, Python w/ NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplot.

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ML and DL

Python w/ TensorFlow.

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My Works

Student Community website

Empowering students to make a positive impact through community engagement and collective action.

Codechef Club website

Nurturing a vibrant tech-centric community, our Student Technical College Club fosters knowledge exchange, skill-building, and collaborative projects.

TinDog Replica

Dating app for dogs replicated from Udemy course by Dr.Angela Yu.

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Contact Me


+91 95149 77702

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